Thursday, July 28, 2011


Like a couple of a weeks ago, borrowed my sister's car, cause mine was on the fritz. She had a ‘spare’. So, at work one day, last week, forgetting I was in for my sister's car, left the lights on, mine I don't have to turn on; they come and go off automatically. So, 2:00 comes and I go to lunch (late lunch). Head out to my car, thinking I’m about to get some greasy burger/chicken sandwich, (I didn’t’ need from Wendy’s anyway) only to find out the car doesn’t start. Not saying anything… at all. So the first thing I do, of course, check the lights, and yes. I left them on.  So,  I get a jump, and when the car starts, the radio doesn't work.  But it’s flashing CODE. I’m like, “CODE”, WTH??????????  I CANT GET NO TUNES… so immediately I call my sister, and let her know what happened. And so she says, “Oh yeah, my car has an anti-theft device. If you try to steal the radio, it’s not going to work without the CODE.  Honda has a low theft rate now.”   I’m thinking screw Honda. I need some music.  So she say’s she needs to search for the CODE she had on a piece of paper, she took out of the glove box before giving me the car.  Then she asks, “well, can’t you just listen to the CD player?”…. O_o   NOTHING WORKS..
So a few days go by, because we are both procrastinators, forgetting to remind each other about the CODE.  Me, forgetting to remind her, her forgetting about it PERIOD. But during the span of time in which I was forced to listen to myself think or listen to music on my Ipod touch, which wasn’t bad all, I decided I would enter a CODE… RANDOMLY… you know? To see if maybe I could tap into that sisterly, genetic, Siamese twin-like, blood is thicker than water…IDK… I just figured, I’d go for it. What harm could it do?  So I started pressing codes… Each number I pressed, started to spell the word CODE… 1(C )… 2(O)…4(D) ….6(E)…1(then it would beep 3 times and go CODE1)…  So, I’m like, ok, that didn’t work. So after about the 3rd time, it dawned on me  CODE3… this might be giving me the number of attempts I’ve already made to enter this code INCORRECTLY… so at some point I can’t remember how many tries I was up to by then, but I finally called my sister again to see if she had the CODE. Of course she didn’t, but then she starts to try to remember it… “I think its 16118…. The numbers go 1- 6, THERE IS NO 8… “OK, well, I don’t know. .. I’m going to look for it again…”
So another couple of days, round about the 10th try, I maxed out.  It doesn’t spell anything AT ALL… no (dumbass, how many tries did you REALLY think you were going to get?) NOTHING… so I have no choice now, but to wait. So I stalked her. She finally get’s the CODE.. GOOD NEWS/bad news… the ink bled through on the paper.. She only has the first 3 digits…UUUGGGHHH… “I have to call Honda Now…” another couple of days go by, and finally SHE TEXTS ME THE C….O….D…E…..!!! YES…. NO…. if I’ve maxed the tries, how am I supposed to enter the CODE??   “Oh, I forgot to ask.”  O_o      So, you didn’t ask them???  “I forgot, maybe you should let the battery drain down again, and…….”Really?”   “I’ll just call them and I’ll call you back.”
She calls back. “They said to take one of the charges off the battery, and then plug back up.” 

J She wasn’t so wrong after all… in a round about way.
Her response to her questionable suggestion…
 “That’s how I figure most shit out… Unplug it and plug it back up.”
The moral of this story is.
 You can not read somebody’s mind, no matter how much you think you know them.  And persistence, sometimes, the shit just doesn’t get you anywhere.  And sometimes shit does not have to be as complicated as you make it out to be. And well, some times you have to make do with what you got.

Do we make life  more complicated than it has to be?


  1. That's a good analogy to arguing with somebody. Sometimes you have to just LIG it -- Let it Go. "Unplug" and walk away for a bit, then plug it back up and see if it works.
    When I was mad at my friend, we had to take a year apart in order to salvage our friendship. We didn't even have a big speech about our feelings, either. Just unplugged, waited a few, then plugged back in.

  2. So true. Sometimes you have to disconnect in order to see the problem and reconnect later after you figure it out. Thanks for commenting.
